Last April should have been the time for experts in the field of Psychiatry to meet during the annual meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry. They would have shared their finding on various psychiatry-related topics. However, the COVID-19 prevented such exchanges to happen on time.
Because Mental Health is Health, the organizers used alternative ways to broadcast the symposia. Therefore, all symposia were recorded and are now available on You Tube.
Dr. Etienne Sibille participated in the symposium Targetted GABA Receptor Modulation of Network Dysregulation in Depression, chaired by Dr. David Rubinow. Alongside Etienne, you can hear about the work of other experts in the field: Drs. Jaime Maguire, John Murray and Anita Clayton. Etienne presented an update on the work performed in his lab, from cellular characterization of somatostatin and GABA receptor deficits (Drs. Oh and Tomoda Labs) to drug development targeting such deficits (Dr. Prevot’s lab). More specifically, the presentation focused on the procognitive and neurotrophic effects of a novel molecule enhancing α5 GABAA receptor function in adult or aged mice.
Please watch the You Tube video to learn more.