Neurobiology of Depression and Aging (NDA)
Directed by Etienne Sibille, Ph.D.
The goals of CAMH’s NDA research program are to (1) discover and investigate biological mechanisms underlying major depression, life-long maturation or aging of the brain, and their respective interactions, (2) to develop hypothesis-driven assays and biomarkers for use in human subjects, (3) to test mechanisms in rodent models and cell-based systems, and (4) to use this knowledge to develop strategies for novel disease-monitoring and therapeutic approaches.

Meet the team of 7 scientists leading interdisciplinary projects at the Neurobiology of Depressing and Aging Program.
Étienne Sibille, Ph.D.
Program Head, Neurobiology of Depression and Aging Program

Breno Diniz, M.D., Ph.D.
Clinician Scientist and Geriatric Psychiatrist Principle Investigator, [Diniz Lab]

Mounira Banasr, Ph.D.
Principle Investigator, [Banasr Lab]

Toshifumi Tomoda, M.D., Ph.D.
Principle Investigator, [Tomoda Lab]

Yuliya Nikolova, Ph.D.
Principle Investigator, [Nikolova Lab]

Thomas Prévôt, Ph.D.
Principle Investigator, [MEDS Lab]

Below is a snapshot of the latest news from our Program. You can find out more by visiting the News Page or by visiting the different Team Pages.