
Investigate the Molecular Bases of Psychiatric Disorders and Develop Novel Therapeutic Avenues

The goals of CAMH’s NDA research program are to (1) discover and investigate biological mechanisms underlying major depression, life-long maturation or aging of the brain, and their respective interactions, (2) to develop hypothesis-driven assays and biomarkers for use in human subjects, (3) to test mechanisms in rodent models and cell-based systems, and (4) to use this knowledge to develop strategies for novel disease-monitoring and therapeutic approaches.


Meet the 7 scientists leading interdisciplinary projects in the Neurobiology of Depressing and Aging Program.

Etienne Sibille, Ph.D.

Dr. Etienne Sibille is Chair of the Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute of CAMH, Professor in Psychiatry and in Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Toronto, and lead of the NDA program. Through translational research and cross-disciplines collaborative efforts, Dr. Sibille investigates the underlying mechanisms of psychiatric disorders. His ultimate goal is to better understand how psychiatric disorders affect the brain in order to identify novel therapeutic avenues. Dr. Sibille is also co-founder of Alpha Cog, a preclinical pharma biotech focusing on the development of novel treatment of cognitive deficits in psychiatric disorders.

Mounira Banasr, Ph.D.

Dr. Mounira Banasr, Independent Scientist in CAMH and Assistant Professor in Psychiatry and Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Toronto, leads the preclinical unit of the NDA Program, with a particular focus on the role of astocytes in psychiatric disorders.

Erica Vieira, Ph.D.

Dr. Erica Vieira, Independent Scientist in Molecular Neurobiology in CAMH and Assistant Professor in Psychiatry at the University of Toronto, leads the research group of the NDA program focusing on neuroimmunology and the relationship between peripheral biomarkers and the central nervous system in different neuropsychiatric illnesses.

Yuliya Nikolova, Ph.D.

Dr. Yuliya Nikolova, Independent Scientist in CAMH and Assistant Professor in Psychiatry, leads the NDA research group focusing on structural and functional brain changes observed in psychiatric disorders.

Hyunjung Oh, Ph.D.

Dr. Hyunjung Oh, moved to a new position of Senior Research Scientist at PeopleBio Inc. South Korea.

Thomas Prevot, Ph.D.

Dr. Thomas Prevot, Project Scientist in CAMH and Assistant Professor in Psychiatry at the University of Toronto, leads the research group focusing on Memory, Emotions, Drugs and Synapses (MEDS), working towards the Discovery and Development of novel therapeutic avenues for mood and cognitive disorders.

Toshi Tomoda, MD/Ph.D.

Dr. Toshi Tomoda, Independent Scientist in CAMH and Associate Professor in Psychiatry at the University of Toronto, leads the research group of the NDA Program focusing on brain homeostasis regulation in health and brain disorders with affect and cognitive disturbances.


Below is a snapshot of the latest news from our Program. You can find out more by visiting the News Page or by visiting the different Team Pages.


Because working in a lab also means sharing moments!

Tomoda’s lab get-together – Summer 2023

Tomoda’s Lab group – at Etienne’s summer party – August 13th 2023

Prevot’s lab get-together on Toronto Centre Island. July 16th 2022. Picnic, badminton and a lot of fun !!

Fernanda’s and Sara’s Birthday !!! July 13th 2022

Celebrating Michael’s Birthday – June 20th 2022

Summer is coming !!! June 23rd 2022. Reconnecting with Dr (to be) Keith Misquitta

Damona Pharmaceuticals

Dr. Etienne Sibille and CAMH created in September 2019 a preclinical pharma spinoff , Damona Pharmaceuticals™. The mission of Damona Pharmaceuticals™ is to discover and develop small molecules for the treatment and prevention of cognitive symptoms in depression and other brain disorders. We invite you to visit our website to learn more about Damona.

Sibille Welcome- edited by NU


Neurobiology of Depression and Aging (NDA)
Directed by Etienne Sibille, Ph.D.

The goals of CAMH’s NDA research program are to (1) discover and investigate biological mechanisms underlying major depression, life-long maturation or aging of the brain, and their respective interactions, (2) to develop hypothesis-driven assays and biomarkers for use in human subjects, (3) to test mechanisms in rodent models and cell-based systems, and (4) to use this knowledge to develop strategies for novel disease-monitoring and therapeutic approaches.


Meet the team of 7 scientists leading interdisciplinary projects at the Neurobiology of Depressing and Aging Program.


Below is a snapshot of the latest news from our Program. You can find out more by visiting the News Page or by visiting the different Team Pages.

Creative Event

100% Sibille Welcome

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It's an uncommon gathering for those who understand and want to learn more about.

Event Schedule

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Lorem Ipsum

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam a bibendum nunc.

The Team

Etienne Sibille
Principle Investigator

Thomas Prevot
Post-Doctoral Fellow

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Contact Us

    Sibille Lab

    Neurobiology of Depression and Aging Lab
    Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
    250 College Street, R1-4
    Toronto, ON M5T 1R8


    416-535-8501 ext. 30610 (Office)
    416-535-8501 ext. 30898 (Laboratory)

    Creative Event

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam a bibendum nunc. Nulla mollis leo sapien. Morbi aliquet suscipit justo, a sodales est pulvinar et. Etiam non augue euismod, condimentum nibh ac, ultricies nisl. Maecenas quis nunc consectetur, blandit tortor eu, lobortis libero.

    Lorem Ipsum

    It's an uncommon gathering for those who understand and want to learn more about.

    Event Schedule

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam a bibendum nunc.  Nulla mollis leo sapien. Morbi aliquet suscipit justo, a sodales est pulvinar et. blandit tortor eu, lobortis libero.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam a bibendum nunc.

    Lorem Ipsum

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam a bibendum nunc.  Nulla mollis leo sapien. Morbi aliquet suscipit justo, a sodales est pulvinar et. blandit tortor eu, lobortis libero.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam a bibendum nunc.

    Lorem Ipsum

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam a bibendum nunc.  Nulla mollis leo sapien. Morbi aliquet suscipit justo, a sodales est pulvinar et. blandit tortor eu, lobortis libero.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam a bibendum nunc.

    The Team

    Etienne Sibille
    Principle Investigator

    Thomas Prevot
    Post-Doctoral Fellow

    Lorem Ipsum

    I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

    Contact Us

      Sibille Lab

      Neurobiology of Depression and Aging Lab
      Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
      250 College Street, R1-4
      Toronto, ON M5T 1R8


      416-535-8501 ext. 30610 (Office)
      416-535-8501 ext. 30898 (Laboratory)

      Creative Event

      Sibille Welcome - with team blocks

      [Hi I’m just a divider]


      [Insert text here: who are we, what do we do, what this website includes]

      [Hi I’m just a divider]


      Latest publications, press releases, events, awards, and other lab news.

      [Hi I’m just a divider]


      Meet the team of 7 scientists leading interdisciplinary projects at the Neurobiology of Depressing and Aging Program.

      Etienne Sibille

      Deputy Director and Senior Scientist, Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute

      Senior Scientist, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
      E: Etienne.Sibille@camh.ca

      Mounira Banasr

      Independent Scientist

      Breno Diniz

      Clinician Scientist

      Dr. Yuliya Nikolova

      Koerner New Scientist, Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute

      Hyunjung Oh

      Post-Doctoral Fellow
      B.Sc., M.Sc. Degree in Biology
      from Yonsei University

      B.Sc. Degree in Biology
      E: Hyunjung.Oh@camh.ca

      Thomas Prevot

      Post-Doctoral Fellow

      Lorem Ipsum

      I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

      Contact Us

        Sibille Lab

        Neurobiology of Depression and Aging Lab
        Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
        250 College Street, R1-4
        Toronto, ON M5T 1R8


        416-535-8501 ext. 30610 (Office)
        416-535-8501 ext. 30898 (Laboratory)